Gateway Revitalization Project

Gateway Revitalization Project

The City of Rock Springs is soliciting feedback in regards to a submission of a grant to the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant program.  Funding will enable the city to implement a strategic initiative to drive economic growth, create greater opportunities for individuals to succeed, local businesses to thrive, and ensure residents of Rock Springs have an equal opportunity to live their dreams and build a bright future. 

The design of the City of Rock Springs Gateway Revitalization Project will rehabilitate and enhance critical gateways into the City, directly and indirectly from Federal Highway 80/US Highway 91.  These entry points and access corridors will focus on improving primary and secondary roads and neighborhood streets that enable the safe movement of people and goods throughout the community, enabling access to essential services such as food, health care, education, and recreation.  It will be strategically targeted to address the disproportionate safety, quality of life, equity, and environmental challenges facing individuals residing in its underserved neighborhoods. 

To maximize the impact of the project and local, state, and federal investments, the city has divided the scope of this project into four “Impact Zones”: improvements to the Dewar/Foothill Intersection will enhance the access and traffic conveyance of vehicles/trucks off of the I-80 corridor into the commercial district of the City., improvements to College Drive and Grant St., Blair Avenue improvements in the Industrial Area, and City-Wide Traffic Smart-Signals. The selection of these zones was initially contemplated as the Master Plan was created and implementation considerations began, while further designation of the zones was based on discussions with community stakeholders, plans to address access inequities, and opportunities to create new economic opportunities for residents and the city at large. These community stakeholders include the public and private sectors, health, education, and social service providers, private businesses, and community organizations, nonprofit and faith leaders. Notably, the project is also being coordinated with the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT).

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